Basement Laundry Room Ideas

There’s the tendency, however unintentional, to turn a basement laundry room into little more than a washer & dryer tossed into a corner. Perhaps it’s the nature of the basement itself, but one needn’t think that just because the basement is below the house, that any room inside of it – including a laundry room – has to be dingy and dull.

Here, then, are our tips for making a cool basement laundry room.

  • If you have a stackable washer and dryer, consider hiding it behind a set of custom double doors. This will be especially helpful in a basement that also has, say, a bedroom or a theater room.
  • Got a big family? Consider two sets of stackable washer-dryers. This will also make for some interesting design choices, because you’ll be able to separate them from each other with cabinetry, countertops, and drawers.
  • Believe it or not, just the simple addition of well-chosen wallpaper can make all the difference in the world when it comes to brightening up the laundry space. Of course, it’s necessary to properly drywall the basement first, but the addition of the wallpaper will be well worth the investment.
  • Keep the clutter in the basement down to a bare minimum. This will prevent the laundry room from looking messy, as well.
  • No matter what you ultimately decide, décor wise, with your basement, make sure you don’t keep it looking like a dungeon. Make sure that the walls are shored up (i.e., if there are any cracks in the foundation, fix them immediately), and make sure the lighting is up to par.
Do you have some other basement laundry room ideas that can be implemented? Leave your thoughts in the comments below! Or, if you’re ready to get started on your home improvement project, contact us today and let’s see what we can do for you!